March 2024

Young Carers Action Day 2024

Community events
Wednesday 13th March, 2024

About this event

The theme to this year’s Young Carers Action Day is Fair Futures for Young Carers.

Census 2021 estimates that there are over 3,600 Young carers and young adult carers from age 5 to 25 years living in Warwickshire. 


Contact details

Young Carers Caring Together Warwickshire

If you know of a young person who provides extra help and support to a family member, you can  signpost them to Young Carers Caring Together Warwickshire:

'We help young carers in Warwickshire by listening to you when you want to talk, giving you information and advice, arrange trips and activities to give you a break from your caring responsibilities and support you through any troubles you may have in school (if the problems are because you are caring for someone).'

Young Carers Caring Together Warwickshire will be inviting young carers and their families to film a glimpse into their lives. The young carers involved will  express in their own words, their aspirations for the future and describe the support they look for to help them with their caring duties. Along with the videos, Young Carers will be encouraged to write a letter to their future self, which they will post into a time capsule and buried. To get involved and for more details go to:

Young Carers - Caring Together Warwickshire

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