Looking for information?

Information can be found here on who to contact in a crisis, A&E waiting times, how to find a Walk in Centre, cost of living support and more.
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Information on who to contact in a crisis

Winter Wellness from WCC

UHCW - Live A&E Waiting times 

Information on SWUFT Services (Warwick Hospital and Stratford Minor injuries Unit)

Find a Walk in Centre

Warwickshire services are working together to help people find the information they need to manage increased household costs. This is a difficult time for many people and finding direct support can be hard. National and local links to services are listed on this page as well as information on related topics.

Cost of Living - support across Warwickshire

Warm hubs across Warwickshire 

Foodbanks across Warwickshire 

Visit our Healthwatch Warwickshire web pages for further support:

Keeping well during the winter