Falls prevention in hospital: a guide for patients, their families and carers

Information to help prevent serious injury caused by older people tripping or falling when they are in hospital.
woman assisting an elderly lady in a hospital corridor

This guide, from the Royal College of Physicians, provides jargon-free information on the care patients can expect to receive in hospital, as well as advice on how to be alert to potential dangers and what to do to avoid them. It sets out a checklist of simple measures that, when undertaken, can minimise the risk of falling or tripping.

Advice in the checklist includes:

  • Tips on exercises to improve circulation when getting out of bed or before standing
  • How to use walking aids in hospital safely
  • Ensuring the bedside environment is uncluttered and vision glasses and walking aids are to hand when standing 

Contact falls@rcplondon.ac.uk for more information.

Download the guide here:

Patient Falls Prevention
Patient Falls Checklist