1. Advice and Information -

    We've pulled together a number of services for parents in need of support for their mental health. Read more to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
  3. Report -

    Read our report into Warwickshire Mental Health services
  4. Advice and Information -

    If you are pregnant or have recently become a parent, here is information about local services who can provide support.

  5. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch England spoke to 47 young people to find out how they want extra funding to be used, so they can access the mental health support they need:
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    The coronavirus pandemic means that more people, either with or without an existing mental health problem, are seeking support for their mental health.
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    Over 800 people shared their views in Coventry and Warwickshire as part of our “What would you do?” campaign; Read about the findings here.
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    Healthwatch Warwickshire visited Abbey Medical Centre ‘Walking for Health’ group in Kenilworth to gather information for a best practice case study.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Cold weather can make some health problems worse and even lead to serious complications, especially if you are older, or if you have a long-term condition.
  10. Blog -

    Visiting providers of health and social care services is the most hands-on way that any local Healthwatch has to ensure that local services are fit for purpose.
  11. Advice and Information -

    Who to contact if you have an issue that requires immediate help.
  12. Advice and Information -

    NHS-approved tips and advice on supporting the mental wellbeing of children and young people.
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    Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust want to understand and listen about Mental Health Act detentions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic People
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    Barnardo’s has launched a new support service specifically for Black, Asian, and minority ethnic children, young people and their families impacted by Covid-19.
  15. Advice and Information -

    Do you know the facts about the effects of regular, excessive alcohol consumption on your mental health?
  16. Blog -

    Chris Bain, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Warwickshire presented the findings of our Covid-19 survey to the Warwickshire County Council - Adult Social Care & Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC).
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    A local care home manager has written a blog post about how they have adapted in these unprecedented times.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Find out more about NHS talking therapies, including how to self-refer.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Coventry & Warwickshire Mind’s Safe Haven provides an out-of-hours mental health support service to people across Warwickshire.
  20. News -

    A new mental health support service for veterans and their families has been launched in the Midlands, complementing existing NHS services.
  21. Advice and Information -

    The last few years has been a strain for all of us. You are not alone - support is available.
  22. Report -

    We asked the local people of Shipston and the surrounding villages on their feelings towards the proposed development of a Health and Wellbeing Centre.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Find out about support services available to Carers.
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    This year’s Learning Disability Week is 14 - 20 June, with a focus on art and creativity.
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    A community sports charity which operates across Coventry and Warwickshire is launching a new five-year mental health project targeting men in Warwickshire with a new group about to start in Leamington Spa.
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    Find out more about Kooth services.
  27. Advice and Information -

    Tips on how to be prepared for, and make the most of video and phone appointments.
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    Find out more about this community sports charity which is running free group sessions and activities to support people with their emotional health and well-being.
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    Find out about a new, free mental health service just for women.
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    Then why not join Warwickshire Wildlife Trust’s Health and Wellbeing Officer Dan on his free wellbeing in nature courses and volunteering sessions out at their nature reserves in Coleshill and Stratford.
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    Fitfans is a free 12-week health and fitness programme for people aged 35-65, with a BMI of 28+.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Find out about support and information available to improve the emotional wellbeing of new parents.