Grant funding available to help mental health services respond to the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic means that more people, either with or without an existing mental health problem, are seeking support for their mental health.
Girl checking her phone

We know that measures to limit virus spread are impacting negatively on people’s mental health, particularly those who depend on formal and informal networks to support their mental wellbeing.

Paul Farmer, CEO Mind, said:

“We’re yet to fully understand the long-term impact of coronavirus on our mental health. But right now, many people are struggling to cope through the lockdown period in isolation or without access those things that help them stay well. For anyone with a longstanding mental health problem this impact is unimaginable.

Voluntary sector organisations who provide mental health services in communities across the country are well placed to offer this additional support but need extra resources to expand their services, which are increasingly overstretched.

Thanks to £5m support from the Government, Mind is administering a £5m grant fund in partnership with other leading mental health providers in England.

Kathy Roberts, CEO Association of Mental Health Providers, said:

“The £5m grant made available by the Department of Health and Social Care for the voluntary and community sector will provide much needed support to services and allow us to respond to the needs of people who need it the most in these anxious and unsettling times. We look forward to working with our mental health sector partners to continue to support the VCSE sector, and most importantly, those who rely on these services in the community.”

From 16 April 2020 voluntary sector, mental health organisations in England can apply for grants to help them provide additional coronavirus support.

The National Survivor User Network (NSUN) will administer part of the fund to ensure that smaller community organisations who might not meet all the standard eligibility criteria can apply. Details will be available from Monday 20 April on the NSUN website.

You can find out more about the fund and how to apply on both the Association of Mental Health Providers website and the Mind’s website.

Warwickshire County Council Public Health have provided information about what mental health wellbeing support is currently available during the Covid-19 outbreak.