GP Patient Experience Review 2015 to 2017

Between February 2015 and March 2017, we conducted an in-depth assessment of patient experience at the 82 GP practices across Warwickshire.

Over a two year period, our Authorised Representatives conducted Enter and View visits to the 82 GP practices, as well as distributing patient surveys at the facilities. HWW surveyed more than 2000 patients, obtaining valuable independent intelligence about their specific experiences and concerns.


GP Patient Experience Review 2015 to 2017

What changed?

HWW collected the opinions and experience of local GP patients across the County, as described above. These opinions and experiences were used to produce recommendations for change, summarised above in “What we learned”.

A report was produced for each GP practice, based on the findings of the Enter and View visit and the patient surveys. These reports were provided to the practice in advance of publication on the HWW website, for review and comment. The reports contain recommendations for improvement, specific to each GP practice.

We have revisited a number of the GP practices to assess the implementation of our recommendations and are working with the others to assess improvements made there.

Of the 42 revisits made:

· 40 surgeries had improved (implemented at least one recommendation)

· 25 surgeries had implemented all recommendations

A total of 208 recommendations were made across the county, of which to date 53% (110) have been implemented.

HWW will continue to work with GP practices across Warwickshire to help work towards improving the patient experience.

The project also provided HWW with stronger relationships with GP practices and PPGs across Warwickshire, enabling more effective working together for the future.

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