Emotional Support Volunteers for Carers

A new initiative offering one to one emotional support for Carers.
2 ladies attending a community event

Are you a Carer, who could do with someone to talk to about how you are doing? 

Caring for people is part of life and can be rewarding, but also a demanding role. Many carers are feeling isolated or lonely right now due to the impact of the pandemic on their support networks.

Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (CAVA) have joined up with with Carers Trust, Heart of England and Entrust Care Partnership to recruit and train an amazing group of volunteers who are now available for free weekly 'one to one' befriending sessions. 

If you live in Warwickshire and are caring for a loved one - a friend, relative or neighbour, and would appreciate a volunteer to offer you a listening ear and emotional support - contact Helen to find out more. 

 07966380276 or 01926 477514
