1. Advice and Information -

    A new website called AskSARA has been launched in Warwickshire that shows people gadgets and solutions that can make life easier for them.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Here we look at six things you should expect when making a complaint about social care services.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Cold weather can make some health problems worse and even lead to serious complications, especially if you are older, or if you have a long-term condition.
  4. News -

    See, Hear, Act is Warwickshire County Council’s process for continual improvement of the quality of care throughout Warwickshire.
  5. Blog -

    Visiting providers of health and social care services is the most hands-on way that any local Healthwatch has to ensure that local services are fit for purpose.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Details of who to contact for complaints about health and social care services in Warwickshire.
  7. Advice and Information -

    The Warwickshire Adult Care and Support Services Guide can help you find care and support in Warwickshire.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Find out about support services available to Carers.
  9. News -

    This year’s Learning Disability Week is 14 - 20 June, with a focus on art and creativity.
  10. News -

    Find out more about Carers Voice Coventry and Warwickshire.
  11. Report -

    Read the report from our recent Carers' project.
  12. News -

    Find out more about the Volunteer Drivers Scheme
  13. Report -

    Find out more about the Government's plans to reform the funding of Adult Social Care.
  14. Report -

    In April 2023 we held an online event for residents of Warwickshire who use Adult Social Care Services, or care for someone who does.
  15. News -

    Healthwatch Warwickshire is holding events in Rugby this October to address local need for services such as Doctors, Dentists, Urgent Care and Care at Home.
  16. News -

    Read our report on what we have been hearing in South Warwickshire from staff and residents at Orbit properties.
  17. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
  18. Report -

    Find out about Healthwatch Warwickshire's engagement work related to the NHS Long term plan in 2019.
  19. Report -

    “Great advocates for people in their community”
  20. Report -

    Our Engagement Charter sets good practice for when patients, carers and members of the public are asked to give their views, or get involved in their services.
  21. News -

    We love to hear from you directly, when you get in touch to share your experiences.
  22. Advice and Information -

    To help hospitals cope with winter pressures and also keep patients and staff safe whilst Covid-19 remains in circulation, there is a new way of accessing urgent and emergency care in Warwickshire.
  23. Blog -

    Chris Bain, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Warwickshire presented the findings of our Covid-19 survey to the Warwickshire County Council - Adult Social Care & Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC).
  24. Report -

    We asked the local people of Shipston and the surrounding villages on their feelings towards the proposed development of a Health and Wellbeing Centre.
  25. News -

    An opportunity to use your experiences of caring for a family member, friend or neighbour to help improve services.
  26. Advice and Information -

    The Health and Care Act has received Royal Ascent and the launch date for the new Integrated Care System is July 1 2022.
  27. News -

    All over the UK, your local NHS organisations have joined forces with local councils.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Information can be found here on who to contact in a crisis, A&E waiting times, how to find a Walk in Centre, cost of living support and more.
  29. News -

    Have your say on the Health Visiting service in Warwickshire.
  30. News -

    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your
    rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
  31. Advice and Information -

    Find out more about your rights to access primary care, and what do to if you are refused the right to register with a GP.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Help make sure that your practice meets people’s accessibility requirements using this checklist from Healthwatch Slough.
  33. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you when travelling to your GP, hospital or other NHS services.
  34. News -

    Patient Participation Group (PPG) Awareness Week aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs, to create more understanding of the value of true patient participation, and also to promote the support available from N.A.P.P.
  35. Report -

    A report from our Standing Conference in July 2019.
  36. Report -

    Healthwatch Warwickshire aims to ensure that the
    lived experience of people is considered - in
    light of recent changes taking place within NHS
    services, including the introduction of ‘Primary
    Care Networks’.
  37. Report -

    On 25th November 2017, we held our first Standing Conference on Consumer Voice
  38. Report -

    Between February 2015 and March 2017, we conducted an in-depth assessment of patient experience at the 82 GP practices across Warwickshire.
  39. Blog -

    Healthwatch Warwickshire has signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant.