1. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
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    If you have a disability, organisations have a duty to take positive steps to make their services as accessible to you as they are to a non-disabled person.
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    An e-booklet, aiming to improve information and support available for neurodivergent people and their families is now available on the news page of the 'Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing' website.
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    Around 7,500 people are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year.
    The sooner ovarian cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat.
    Find out how to recognise the symptoms, what treatment is available and what you can expect from an appointment.
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    Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, on the bladder or around the pelvis. It can affect people who have periods, at any age.

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    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
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    Here we look at six things you should expect when making a complaint about social care services.
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    Details of who to contact for complaints about health and social care services in Warwickshire.
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    Making a complaint can seem like a daunting or overwhelming task. Help is available if you would like support with the process.